24 november 2014

We invite you to take part in a Forum “Modern tools to assist in the organization of own business. How to develop your business in a recession”.  

The Forum program:

10.30 – 11.00 – registration of participants

11.00 – Modern tools to assist in the organization of own business (A.U. Naumov)

11.15 – Business Nation – Innovative approaches in business organization (R.F. Yarullin)

11.30 – Features of the development of franchises. Business scaling (A. Y. Zakharov)

11.40 – Industrial sites of RT. Preferences for residents of industrial sites (A.E. Tuleev – Director of “Management company “Edinstvo”” LLC)

11.50 – The possibilities of reducing the financial risks in the interaction with contractors (Liliya Sh. Fatykhova – Head of Active Sales Department of  CJSC “PF “SKB “Kontur”)

12.00 – New in tax legislation from 2015 year (Marat R. Samitov – Director of “Avirta” LLC)

12.10 - Increasing the availability of financial resources for small and medium-sized businesses (S.G. Bolotaev - Director of Non-profit Organization “Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan”)

12.25 – Financial tools for business (Alina F. Khasanova – Head of Sales Department for Small and Medium-sized Businesses of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

12.40 – Coffee break, informal communication.

Moderator – Dinara D. Tuleeva

Time and venue: November 25, 2014, the beginning at 11.00 at the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, 55, Moskovskaya Str.

Business owners, general and financial directors of companies are invited to participate in the Forum. The participation in the event is free! Preregistration is required.

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