10 november 2014

November 12, 2014 Head of Autodesk Educational Programs in Russia and the CIS Dmitry Postelnik will visit Kazan.

During the visit in Technopark “Idea” he will meet with students of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU-KSTU) - participants in the First contest of young talents in computer graphics.

The meeting will take place at 3.00 pm in the conference hall of the Technopark.

For reference:

Autodesk, Inc. is the world leader in solutions for 3D design, engineering and creation of virtual reality. All companies from the list “Fortune 100” and the last 15 winners of the award “Oscar” for best visual effects use Autodesk to design, simulate and visualize their ideas to save time and money, improve product quality and rapid innovation. Since the release of AutoCAD in 1982, the company has developed a wide range of innovative software that allows engineers, architects and designers to test their ideas before implementing it.

Dmitry Postelnik is candidate of technical sciences with experience in the education system for more than 20 years. During this time he has gone from a laboratory assistant of microprocessor systems laboratory to the head of the Department “Information Business Systems” at the Institute of Electronic and Information Systems of Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav- Mudry (NovSU). Dmitry Postelnik was involved in the development of automated control systems for the electronics industry. He led dozens of projects on creation of multimedia information and learning electronic resources. He worked as the Executive Director of the Center for Innovative Public Initiatives (Moscow). Dmitry Postelnik led the development, implementation and support of a large number of non-profit projects in the field of civic education. He has experience of effective cooperation with many foreign charitable foundations and organizations.


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