23 october 2014

The year is coming to an end, and it is time to summarize. Until October 31, 2014 there is accepting applications for the prize “Startup of the Year – 2014”, we invite you to take part.

The prize “Startup of the Year” was founded by Business Incubator of the National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE) in 2008. The award is presented annually to the best startups in the opinion of the business community. The main goals are to promote beautiful and effective business decisions, note the creative approach to build new business, enjoy success of the brightest startups and to inspire young entrepreneurs for the new developments.

This year there are 6 nominations:

  • The best hardware startup - a startup that has built a business based on the most promising technologies;
  • The global startup - a company that has made steps to withdraw its product or service on the global market and, preferably, already has made sales on the international market;
  • The best socially significant startup - a company whose business improves the level and quality of life of the society and is aimed at solving social problems;
  • The best fintech startup - a team that has made ​​the best financial service in 2014;
  • Team of the Year - a startup in which, in the opinion of the jury, has the best team, which together successfully lead projects and develops the startup in 2014;
  • The best Internet startup - a team that has achieved success in 2014, whose work is conducted only on the Internet.

The competition will conclude with a solemn award ceremony “Startup of the Year”, which will be known the names of prize winners in each category, and by a vote of the audience will be determined the “Best Startup in the opinion of the audience”. Award winners will receive the coveted statuette - Golden Apple - and attention from all viewers, investors and the press. In addition, all finalists will be waited for special prizes from the partners of the award - OJSC “RVC” and OJSC “Sberbank”.

Let’s participate and submit an application, it will not take much of your time!

The official website of the competition “Startup of the Year -2014”

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