13 october 2014

The expert session on the development of the Road map of the project of the State program “Strategic Talent Management in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2020” was being held on 11-12 of October, 2014 at the Youth Center “Volga” in the framework of the project “Perspective”.

The project “Perspective” is the work on the implementation of the Concept for development and intellectual and creative potential of children and young people of Tatarstan.

During the session, the leaders of programs and projects for work with gifted children and youth in collaboration with Tatarstan leaders, including representatives of Technopark “Idea”, expressed their vision of the projects, developed event program and offered ways to implement it.

A unified vision for the projects, as well as refined concept and program of the launch events, in particular, programs such as Youth School “Opening of talent”, EXPO “My city. My talent”, which will be held from 1 to 6 of December, 2014, were presented as the results of the session.

The press service of Technopark “Idea”

Photos by the event organizers

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