10 october 2014

High Technology Park of Yugra was passing the accreditation procedure from 8 to 9 of October, 2014, which was conducted by the representatives of the European Network EBN – the auditor appointed by the EBN Association, Manager Internationalization Eeva Pihlajaniemi (Agency for the Development of Business and Innovation of Lappeenranta “Wirma Lappeenranta Oy”, Finland) and the representative of the European Network from Russia - CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko (Kazan).

There was the presentation of the High Technology Park of Yugra, the main activities of the institution and key performance indicators in the framework of the audit. The auditors examined the premises of Technopark, got acquainted with the activities of the Center for Prototyping, the Center for Cluster Development, the Regional Engineering Center and laboratories. In addition, there was the meeting with representatives of the resident companies of Technopark, where they presented their innovative projects:

  • Arkady Shevyakov, LLC Scientific-production Association “Interlit” - project “Organization of production of innovative biotechnological products based on zeolite-containing raw materials”;
  • Maxim Razgulyaev, LLC “Ecotop” - project “Development and production of combustible gases sensors”;
  • Pavel Permyakov, LLC “Yugra food company” - project “Innovative technology of production of juices and drinks from wild plants of Yugra”;
  • Sergey Yurov, LLC “Yugra-media” - project “Development of a new generation of computer simulation training simulators”.

After seeing the Ugra Technopark, Eeva Pihlajaniemi noted that she had impressed with the organization of Technopark: “I especially liked the Center for Prototyping with 3D printers and 3D models. I believe that in the near future the Ugra Technopark will become a full member of EBN. The interaction of Technopark with the European Network will bring great benefit to both parties. Technopark will get the guarantee of quality, and EBN will get interesting partner. For entry into the European Network, we evaluate four key indicators: mission, quality, services and organization. I note that the quality of the services, provided by the High Technology Park, at a high level and worthy of the quality mark of the Association”.

To date, only three Russian technoparks have awarded membership of EBN. Kazan Technopark “Idea” entered in the Business and Innovation Centre Network as one of the first.

“EBN has a system of evaluation for institutions, voluntarily joining to the Network. Through this partnership, Technopark receives the mark of quality in accordance with international criteria, which change every year, and acquires new links in the global business community”, - said Sergey Yushko.

Director of the High Technology Park of Ugra Yury Reutov noted that residents of Technopark can only be companies registered in the district; services are provided to them on concessional terms. “For 5 years of Technopark work jointly with the Government of Ugra was organized the system of support for small and medium-sized innovative businesses in the district. This support is versatile and large - from the inception of the company to enter the market with products. At the present time on the basis of the Technopark work 115 innovative companies, we estimate the commercialization of these projects a little more than 40%, this is a good indicator”.

For reference:

EBN is the leading European Network, bringing together about 250 technoparks, business incubators and venture capital centers around the world. Membership in the EBN will allow residents of Technopark - small and medium-sized innovative companies - to take a more active part in the European innovative programs, to attract to the development of the Technopark additional sources of funding, to acquire collegiate status among European partners.

The press service of the Technopark of Ugra

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