7 october 2014

The Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific and technical field (FASIE) is beginning the collection of applications for participation in a new competition “COMMERCIALIZATION” (the Competition), which aims at providing grants in the form of subsidies for financing costs associated with the implementation of innovative projects, the results of which have the prospect of commercialization, with the exception of the costs on carrying out scientific and research, experimental-design and technological works.

The purpose of the Competition is providing financial support to small innovative enterprises that completed the R&D and planning to create or expand production of innovative products.

The grants are given to small innovative enterprises, which have passed the competitive selection to be eligible to receive a grant under one of the following areas:

a)   For financial provision of costs associated with the implementation of an innovative project in the amount of not more than 10 million rubles, assuming 100% co-financing from own and (or) borrowed funds of third parties;

b)  For reimbursement of costs associated with the implementation of an innovative project in the amount of 50% of the documented cost for the implementation of an innovative project, actually incurred from January 1, 2014 until the date of the announcement of the competition, but not more than 10 million rubles.

In the competition can participate entrepreneurs without legal entity and legal entities acting for at least one year, corresponding to the criteria for classification as small business entities in accordance with the Federal law of 24.07.2007 No. 209-FZ, have filed an application with the required documents in the information system of the FASIE.

Assessment of applications will be conducted according to the following criteria: scientific and technical level of development, underlying the project; the prospects of implementation, commercial realization of the created product; socio-economic effect from the project realization. The full list of criteria and evaluation procedure are presented in the position to this Competition.

The competition has one-only nature. Applications will be accepted from 11.00 am (GMT) on October 8, 2014 to 6.00 pm (GMT) on October 31, 2014.

The Competition regulation and the composition of the necessary documents  are presented in the information system at:

In case of problems or difficulties, please contact technical support:, phone: +7 (495) 231-19-06 ext. 196.

Contact person: Denis V. Tolstykh

Phone: (495) 231-19-06 ext. 153, e-mail:

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