30 september 2014

Pupils of the Lyceum-boarding school for talented children with profound studying chemistry named after P.A. Kirpichnikov have met today in Technopark “Idea” with the basics of nanotechnology, the specific of technoparks, as well as with special projects that are realized for everyone who is interested in science.

Schoolchildren have visited Technopark for the first time in the framework of a series of introductory lectures on innovative entrepreneurship, organized for the children by the Lyceum-boarding school and Technopark “Idea”.

Introduction to science for pupils began in Technopark with a visit to the Center of Nanotechnologies of the Republic of Tatarstan. Here they watched educational films about nanotechnology and learned about the program “Master Innovation”.

In the laboratories of the center the students got acquainted with modern research equipment and learned about the scientific battles, the first of which will take place in Kazan on October 15, 2014 in the Center of Contemporary Culture “Smena”. The scientific battles are an open event, where young scientists clearly and simply explain the most difficult scientific ideas and talk about their own research from the scene. Each of the performances lasts 10 minutes; the participants can not use the slides, but can use any props.

Head of the Department of External Relations and PR Evgeny Malikov told schoolchildren how they can get the first money for startup project, where and how best to implement it, and what services young entrepreneurs will receive in Technopark. He introduced students to such programs and competitions, as “Idea – 1000”, “50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”, “Erudite”, explained the primary differences between Technopark and an office center, and told the children about the success stories of resident companies.

The teacher-educator of the Lyceum-boarding school Rimma Aldarova told that such study tours for students are held not for the first time. For example, last year the children visited the company “Orgsintez”. “Probably, students, studying the activities of the companies, will determine with their future profession, and possibly will choose a place of work”, - said Rimma Aldarova.

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