4 september 2014

To stop press on the other, create a clear plan and stick to it

We often seek to dominate and become real tyrants, when experience dissatisfaction with the quality or pace of someone else's work. Sometimes we rush and just do not find the time or the patience to listen to others and work over the issues together with them. Maybe it is just a matter of habit. But when we interrupt people and tell them what to do, we do not help, but only interfere.

To avoid this temptation, take the time to prepare meetings with clearly structured agenda, coming up with how to help others to take active part in it. In large meetings it takes the form of pre-assembled and compiled materials, ‘issues in a circle’ or small groups to obtain feedback.

Fewer requirements, focus on empathy

The main task at work is to give everyone a suitable role with realistic expectations for him that he will be motivated and inclined to seek to its maximum. Employees often feel that they squeeze out all the juice or that they can not succeed. This may mean that you press down on them, without taking the trouble to think about whether suitable for these people their roles and responsibilities. Instead of having to react violently or search for the guilty, show empathy and think, not whether you need to compare your opinion with other people’s positions. If the work is entrusted to the wrong people, make a castling and do not abuse “guilty”, because it still does not help.

Not to do everything at the same time, minimize distractions

When communicating with people, disconnect the phone or email. Take the time to pleasant personal conversations - say hello, thank, ask how have gone off weekend, and so on. These small gestures tell people that you care, that you are willing to spend an extra minute to maintain the relationship.

If you find it difficult to concentrate, make a revision of what takes your time. To avoid unnecessary cases those make you crazy or evoke the tedium. Let your nature requires you to pull up its socks and do everything, but in any case do not be tempted! In the end, we all strive for the best results when do what we like and what we are really strong.

All of these tricks require strict discipline, but, having learned them, you will improve relationships with colleagues at work, and the results of the work itself.

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