28 august 2014

Most people consider a job only as a source of income, a sort of coercion, and particularly do not try.

Although most CEOs put the involvement of team members in the work process in the first place among their priorities, our research, conducted in various organizations around the world, found the sad truth: employees who are not interested in the company's business, twice as much as involved and enthusiastic. One encouraging: some companies have managed to reverse this trend, and we figured out how they did it.

You need enthusiastic and inquisitive leaders aspiring to professional growth. The position of leader, his beliefs and his actions noticeably influence on the culture of the organization as a whole, “seeping” into all layers.

You need strong human resources specialists. These human resources specialists are able not only to select people, but also to influence them, to teach, to call for responsibility, and this is important, because many managers reach high positions in spite of setbacks in the early stages of their career. Human resource specialists help leaders and managers to develop, to each in accordance with the individual inclinations. And if you find such professionals, do not miss them: these experts are rarer than hen with teeth.

First, ensure the basic conditions, and then inspire to achieve the goal. If employees are well aware of their responsibilities, have the necessary conditions and instruments, are consistent with their role and feel the support of the head, they will subscribe to almost any initiative of their organization. Conversely, when the basic conditions are not met, even the most sublime mission does not attract. People will turn a deaf ear and calls, and talk about higher values, as if it all looked nice on paper.

Do not refer to a recession. Most often, problems in the workplace are justified by the general state of the economy, saying that everyone had to tighten their belts, where we take the enthusiasm. Even in those days, when much is slipping out of control of management, managers and leaders are able to influence their subordinates. Great companies are aware of this and try to correctly use all the levers of influence.

Trust, ask and unreservedly support and managers, and ordinary members of the collective. Examples, which are inspired by the staff, are always local. Strong teams are formed, where people can assess the challenges facing them and tackle them (important disclaimer: the best intentions of CEO will be sideways, if he takes all the problems of a large corporation to decide personally).

There must be direct and determined approach to monitoring performance.  Praise and recognition of the company encourage employees to rise to new levels of achievement. But they do not tolerate the dullness and satisfaction of medium-sized success. Every action, and especially omission, does not produce reasonable results, generates frustration and undermines morale.

Involvement is not an end in itself. Now there are more and more ways to measure and monitor the degree of involvement of employees, and some organizations were engaged in “management parameters”. Great companies do not look at it, and the result, for which they require total involvement. One of the finest examples of this is a specialized surgical hospital in Manhattan, the first in the ranking of the United States in orthopedic surgery according to U.S. News & World Report. Senior Vice President for work with patients, Stephanie Goldberg, said that patients require miracles, and the nurses could not have lasted a day, if they have not seen how important their work is. Staff turnover is much lower than the industry average, not speaking specifically about New York, where so many hospitals.


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