26 august 2014

Today prospects of cooperation in the field of petrochemistry have been discussed in Technopark “Idea” by CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, Director of the Development of the company “HimArt” (the resident of “Idea”) Vitaly Fedorenko and regional manager on the work with clients of the company Akzo Nobel in Russia and Europe Adrian Zuberbuehler.

Akzo Nobel is a leading global manufacturer of paints and coatings, and chemicals for special purposes. The company provides various industries and consumers worldwide with innovative products. The range of products includes such well-known brands like Dulux, Sikkens, International and Eka. Headquarter of Akzo Nobel is in Amsterdam (the Netherlands), and representative offices of the company are in more than 80 countries around the world.

The resident of Technopark “Idea”, company “HimArt”, selects and develops additives and compounds for highly efficient processing of oil wells.

During the meeting Sergey Yushko told the guests about the Technopark’s projects. He noted that among the residents of “Ideas” a lot of companies dealing with developments in the field of chemical and petroleum industries. Resident companies are actively collaborating with large industrial companies, including Gazprom, “Tatneft”, “TANECO” and many others.

Adrian Zuberbuehler noted that Akzo Nobel is interested in opening a technical support center in Russia. At the moment the company together with “HimArt” is planning to develop a new generation of chemical compositions for oil well stimulation and to enhance oil recovery. Also in the joint plans there are development and preparation of compositions of oilfield chemistry, in particular, the inhibitory protection of oilfield equipment.

In continuation of the visit Adrian Zuberbuehler was introduced to the infrastructure project created together with JSC “RUSNANO” - Nanotehnology Centre, on project activities which told its CEO Dmitry Pashin.


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