22 july 2014

Today President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov has met with entrepreneurs – participants of nonprofit partnership “Union of Young Innovation Leaders” from different regions of Russia within the framework of the opening of the International Educational Forum “Russian International Summer Campus (RISC) at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration” on July 21, 2014.

The meeting was held at the site of the ski sports and health complex “Kazan”. It was also attended by Russian Minister on issues of the Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, Assistant to the RT President Ayrat Khairullin, Deputy Prime Minister of RT – Minister of Information and Communication of RT Roman Shaikhutdinov, Deputy Prime Minister of RT – Minister of Education and Science of RT Engel Fattakhov, CEO of Special Economic Zone “Innopolis” Igor Nosov and others.

The young IT entrepreneurs presented to Rustam Minnikhanov their developments, new projects in the field of information technologies, shared ideas about promoting innovation in the economy.

According to the president of the Union of Young Innovation Leaders Ramil Ibragimov, the main tasks of the partnership are to create a club of successful innovators from across the country who aim at training and attracting new personnel and projects for accelerated growth of high-tech industries of the economy, as well as promoting innovative projects, including “Innopolis” and “Smart City Kazan”. According to some speakers, they arrived in Tatarstan, primarily to study the experience of the region in promoting and using of IT. As noted entrepreneurs, today Tatarstan is a brand, the region where have created all conditions for business development, where the leadership of the region is interested in bringing new ideas, new projects and young professionals.

We would remind that the meeting was attended by representatives of such cities, as Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Yoshkar-Ola, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Ufa, Omsk, Tomsk, Ulyanovsk, Sevastopol and others. Among the participants was resident of Technopark “Idea”, Executive Director of “Eidos” LLC Lenar Valiev.

In his turn, Rustam Minnikhanov said that he is ready at the regional level to support all voiced ideas for further development of the IT industry and innovation. He also noticed that as Chairman of the Board of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russian (AIRR) he is ready to assist implementation of projects in regions – members of AIRR. Today it is important to create an appropriate environment for training modern high technological personnel, use and introduction of advanced experience and innovation, considered Rustam Minnikhanov. He emphasized that many sites are now working on the principles of private and state partnership, and this direction is very promising.

In addition, according to Rustam Minnikhanov, it is important to support a number of projects that are necessary for the economy through government programs and preferences. During the meeting representatives of the Union of Young Innovation Leaders suggested such ideas, as the creation of the Department of Engineering Entrepreneurship on the basis of Kazan National Research Technical University – Kazan Aviation Institution (KNITU-KAI), organization and holding expedition StartUp Sabantui 2015, organization of business incubator based on IT University Innopolis, cooperation with the Russian Fund of the Development of the Internet Initiatives (IIDF), providing expert support to projects for the creation and development of innovation infrastructure in the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as on the sites of “Innopolis” and “Smart City Kazan”.

Leaders of startup communities from other regions of the country asked Rustam Minnikhanov to provide transfer of best practices of Tatarstan in the creation and development of the public and private tehnopark sites, promoting creation of similar structures in the Republic of Crimea and Mari El, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Rostov regions, in Sevastopol, etc., by forces of Tatarstan participants of the Union of Young Innovation Leaders

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