14 july 2014

The Russian Venture Company (RVC) and the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) in cooperation with the audit and consulting network PwC have implemented a project to create the annual Russian rating of fast-developing high-tech mid-cap companies “TechUp-2014”.

The goal of the rating is to detect the best Russian companies in the sector of small and middle- sized businesses, focused on the development of innovative technologies and demonstrated a high growth potential on the Russian and global markets.

Leaders of the rating get a wide range of opportunities to promote their products and expand sales markets, increase their investment attractiveness, access to popularization tools of their “success stories” among the general public. Among these tools is to participate in a series of TV program “Technopark” on channel Russia 24 and to place publications on the leading media sites. Heads of the companies-leaders of the rating are involved into conversation with representatives of governmental authorities to discuss key problems of the industry and to make proposals for its solution. In 2014 a professional club – a place for extension of opportunities in communication, improving competencies of top management, organization of inter sectorial dialogue – will begin work for the participating companies. Awarding ceremony of the rating winners will be held at Moscow Forum “Open Innovations” in October, 2014.

Participation in the rating is free. Selection of companies for forming TOP-100 of the rating will be held in two stages. At the first stage companies fill out a questionnaire to determine accordance to the primary criteria. At the second stage companies, which meet the criteria, are invited to respond to additional questions, upon which to assess their innovation activities.

Organizers of the rating provide confidentiality of the provided data and use them only for the formation of the rating and calculation of generalizing characteristics of its participants.

Results of the rating “TechUp-2014” will be announced and published in October, 2014.

To participate in the rating you should send a request by e-mail rating@i-regions.org or contact with the organizers by phone +7 (495) 231-35-79.

Applications will be accepted until July 30, 2014.

For more information about the rating can be found at www.ratingtechup.ru.

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