9 july 2014

The 4th All Russian Summer School “Nanograd-2014” is being held these days in Tolyatti. This year residents of Nanograd have become about 350 people, including 172 schoolchildren from 15 regions of the country and 150 students-volunteers, teachers, scientists and entrepreneurs. The key idea of the city is dedicated to domestic motor car construction.

In addition to traditional partners of Nanograd, including portfolio companies of RUSNANO: “Optogan”, “Nanolek” and “Hevel”, partners of the city have become manufacturers of automotive components, including “Tolyattisintez”, “Volga Machine-Building Plant” and “Lada-Flekt”. Each organization presented real business cases which were be solved by Nanograd’s residents. Ideas, born by students during the work of apprenticeship sites, are planned to use in further work of the companies.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told about its activity in the framework of the school. He also presented to schoolchildren a case from “Idea” resident – company “HimArt”. Scientific and technical center “HimArt” is a developer of chemical additives for the oil industry. The development is done taking into account of the physicochemical parameters of the produced liquids, such as oil parameters, reservoir water, physical and geological characteristics of the reservoirs and solving technological problems. One of the activities is the development of process liquid used in the oil industry. As the process liquids may be used a water-hydrocarbon emulsions of reverse type, where the outer shell is comprised of a hydrocarbon phase.

Sergey Yushko asked three questions to Nanograd’s participants, the answer to which became proposals to prepare reverse emulations with a high content of hydrocarbon phase and to increase the viscosity of oil and diesel fuel. The answer to the final question was an analysis of the scientific and technical literature with the preparation of a report on viscous liquids. “Schoolchildren have coped well with the task, - said Sergey Yushko. - The only question arose only with the use of substances that I demonstrated on the example of our residents”.

Summer School “Nanograd” is one of the central events of the program “School League of RUSNANO” (implemented with the support of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational programs). The school has been attended by the winners of contests and competitions in the field of natural science and high technology, as well as members of volunteer teams from schools participating in the program.

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