8 july 2014

On July 7, 2014 it was announced about the creation of the first Republican Association of schoolchildren project education at Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU). It is intended to become a new form of social partnership between representatives of innovative business and educational institutions.

The Presidium of the Association includes:

  • German Dyakonov – rector of KNRTU;
  • Alexey Grushin – manager of Technopolis “Himgrad”;
  • Sergey Yushko – CEO of CJSC “Innovative and production Technopark “Idea”;
  • William Barabanov – chairman of the Republican Scientific and Methodical Association of Teachers of Chemistry of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Liliya Ibrasheva – director of lyceum-boarding school for talented children with advanced study of chemistry named after P.A. Kirpichnikov;
  • Vitaliy Safin – president of the Union of students and schoolchildren of KNRTU;
  • Lenar Khalikov – deputy director of IT-Park of Naberezhnye Chelny.

This initiative is supported by Minister of Education and Science of RT Engel Fattakhov. The Association’s activity will focus on the development and support of scientific and technical creativity and project work of schoolchildren. Objective of the Association is to create a special environment using project learning technologies: scientific consultation, business days with representatives of innovative companies, working in the laboratories of educational equipment, allowing to realize in practice the developments of pupils, creative competitions.

The nearest Association’s works are of an organizational nature: a 10-day period is planned to develop the program, to define the administrative group and to develop a symbol. Further to the work of the Association will actively engage enterprises of the republic and lead project work with schoolchildren.

Creation of such structure is due to the need to improve the level of general training of young personnel for the republic enterprises and the development of youth projects. “It is important not to select the best students, but to create an environment in which they will be able to open up”, - said the rector of KNITU German Dyakonov.

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