27 june 2014

The Youth Program, one of the most important components of which is an International Group “100 Innovators”, is held annually within the Open Innovations Forum. A list of the group participants is formed on the basis of the expert selection of applications from the authors of innovative projects up to the age of 35 years, 50 representatives of foreign countries and 50 representatives of Russia. The Forum traditionally brings together relevant, authoritative, powerful and useful participants – representatives of all industries, authorities and experts with world names.

Apply to participate in the Group “100 Innovators” can be up to July 15, 2014.

The program for the best innovators is being held within the Forum for three years in a row. As the results of the work of the International Group “100 Innovators” it has been gathered “Club 100” – a community of graduates who took place in the Youth Program of the Open innovations Forum in 2012 and 2013 years. Members of the “Club 100” have an opportunity to be presented to the development institutions and key investors, to communicate with mentors and organizers and to exchange experience with colleagues.

Among the participants of the “Club 100” there are a company WorthYourHolidays, introduced the first and exclusive online platform for the instant travel planning in India - Tripigator.com – Intuitive Planning Platform which is a technology of the decision-making on the heuristic basis and takes into account more than 30 key factors to create a personalized travel itinerary in one click; a company Alcohoot, leader in the category of breathalyzer based on smartphones, released on the market in 2013 a device that turns a smartphone into a breathalyzer, while providing accuracy similar to a police graduation; a company Sterio.me, involving students in homework via text message: teachers can pre-record the lessons which can be accessed students after school when administered SMS-code, and keep track of which students have finished material, and how well they showed themselves in testing, and many others.

“The International Group “100 Innovators” unites the most successful and promising young developers. Every year we carefully select the best. As you know, many companies of the Group have already managed to show themselves and to go with their products and new solutions to international markets. Participation in the Youth Program of the Open Innovation Forum opens new opportunities that will enable participants to develop faster and more actively, to achieve even greater heights, to exchange experience and find support. The “Club 100” has become a pride and a logical continuation of the Group”, - says Yana Valdberg, head of the Youth Program of the Open Innovation Forum.

Open Innovations Forum 2014

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