11 june 2014

Russian Youth Prize in the field of nanotechnology industry is All-Russian competition of young designers, innovators and businessmen under the age of 35 years, whose nanotechnology development has been implemented in the real production and showed the first commercial results. The prize is awarded for the development of a new nanotechnology product or technology, embedded in the production with annual volume at least 3 million rubles.

In 2014 it will be held the 6th competitive selection of applicants of the Prize. Founders of the Prize are JSC “RUSNANO” and the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs.

Prize fund is 300 thousand rubles. Prize money, honorary diploma and award symbol  of the Prize will be received a winner selected by the Board of JSC “RUSNANO” among finalists of the Prize. Finalists will be selected by representatives of the jury - the Commission for preliminary selection of nominees of the Prize that including experts from leading development institutions of Russia. Each of the finalists will have the opportunity to present their development of a wide audience of potential investors and business partners.

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