11 june 2014

Annual rating of Kazan business centers was made by ​​experts of the magazine “Delovoy kvartal”.

Business centers and centers of the office real estate of Kazan of classes A, B+, B, acting on May 15, 2014, took part in the TOP list.

At the first stage specialists of the analytical group of “Delovoy kvartal” estimated analytical sources and official websites of management companies of commercial real estate of the city, as well as conducted expert interview, on the basis of which were defined indicators used in the rating. Based on these data was identified a number of companies who have been asked to provide information to participate in the TOP list.

At the second stage specialists of the magazine sent to management companies and owners of the office real estate questionnaires, in which were requested figures for vacant and rented out squares. The obtained information was rechecked.

The main rank index is an area of vacant premises on May 15, 2014, square meters.

Additional indicators were leaders in area by one tenant on May 15, 2014, square meters; leaders in the number of tenants on the waiting list.

Technopark “Idea” took the first place among business centers of class “B+”, “B”. It was also included “Business Park” and Business Center at Ibragimov Street in the top three.

We would like to remind that experts of the magazine “Delovoy kvartal” annually prepare ratings in various areas. Technopark “Idea” is also among the best in the “People’s” rating of Kazan business centers in 2013, and residents of the Technopark - digital-production company SmartHead and company Alto Vision entered the TOP-11 of web studios and the Internet agencies of Kazan in 2013.

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