17 june 2014

“Master Innovation” will be held in Kazan from 18 to 20 of June, 2014. It is the popular science program including film screenings of a Festival of contemporary scientific cinema 360 °, an exhibition for schoolchildren “Look - it's nano!”, lectures and master classes of known popularizers of science.

According to the organizers of the event, the main objective of the program “Master Innovation” is to talk about the role of science, engineering and nanotechnology in the future of society, show of the opportunities, as well as to discuss what occupations will be in demand in the future. The project is supported by the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, created by RUSNANO. Kazan partners of the program are Nanotechnology Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan Federal (Volga region) University and Kazan Nanotechnology Club.

The audience will have the opportunity to see the festival documentary films and find out what makes the most outstanding scientists of our time. Three film screenings will be held within the framework of the program.

The film “The Passion of the particles” will show the work of six brilliant scientists on the Large Hadron Collider and the launch of the largest and most expensive experiment in the history of the planet.

Is there a light bulb that can shine indefinitely? As a tiny electronic chip can destroy the whole product? Why do we often buy computers that are easier to throw than fix it? These and other issues are raised in the film “Conspiracy around the light bulb”.

Due to the film “More than honey” you will discover the wonderful world of the beehive, encounter face-to-face with the rival queen bees and dancing worker bees and will meet with extraordinarily complex swarms intelligence, according to which everyone works for the welfare needs of the whole group.

The films will be presented by known popularizers of science, and after film screenings each viewer will be able to ask them questions and participate in discussions.

Especially for students and young scientists there will be held lectures of doctor of chemical sciences, writer Henry Erlich, about the nature of scientific discoveries, and a master class of chief editor of magazine “Chemistry and Life” Lubov Strelnikova in science journalism, and also an interactive show “The investigation is being led by… chemists”.

For children there will be prepared a separate program, which will include the exhibition “Look - it's nano!” and multimedia lectures with cartoons about nanotechnology “Magic Laboratory”. The program aims to introduce children and their parents with nanotechnology.

The festival will take place on the grounds of two universities KFU and KNITU and the Center for Contemporary Culture “Smena”.

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