11 february 2014

Today the application aspects of nanotechnology solutions for improving economic efficiency of Special Economic Zone "Innopolis"s infrastructure has been discussed in the Technopark "Idea". The meeting was attended by Managing Director of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (RUSNANO Group) Ruslan Titov, General Director of Special Economic Zone Igor Nosov, CEO of Technopark "Idea" Sergey Yushko, General Director of Tatarstan Nanotechnology Centre Dmitry Pashin, Deputy Chief Engineer of CJSC "Kazan Giproniiaviaprom" Adel Zaripov and representatives of Ulyanovsk Nanotechnology Centres and other cities.  

During the Round table discussion Ruslan Titov told about nanotechnology centres and their key performance indicators, startups specialization and profiles. He said there are currently 11 nanotechnology centres in Russia, the main areas of which are biotechnology, electronics, development of new materials and composites.  

Representatives of nanotechnology centers were the first who told the participants about nanotechnology solutions applied for the design, construction and renovation of buildings; road construction and infrastructure development, energy efficiency.   

Following the results of the Round table discussion, the materials were submitted for study. It was also decided to meet next month to clarify the details of the projects.  

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