5 february 2014

The resident companies created over 7,000 new jobs with localization of more than 400 new companies. Such are the 10-year activity results of Technopark “Idea”

The “Idea”, Russia’s first Technopark, was opened on February 5, 2004. According to the estimation of domestic and foreign experts the “Idea” became a pioneer in Russia, a unique federal training platform. It stimulated the creation of technoparks and business incubators in other regions of the country.      

As of the end of 2013, the total output, including Technopark’s extraterritorial residents, amounted to RUB. 7 billion 16 million, which is almost RUB. 94 million more than in the year 2012.

In particular, nanotechnology products are 64% (RUB. 4 billion 515 million) of the total output.  

As of today, 105 resident companies with the total staff of about 1,805 people are localized at Technopark’s site. 

Technopark implements a business model that provides the existence of anchor residents and small innovative companies from Start-up to Expansion level. The anchor residents (technological departments of major international brands) provide the Technopark with financial stability, increase its attractiveness for new customers and determine its specialization.

The “Idea” is an example of public and private partnership in the development of innovation infrastructure focused on small, medium and high-tech businesses.

In 2010, Technopark fully reimbursed the Republic for the invested funds. Tatarstan with the participation of Technopark “Idea” won a number of federal programs and contests: High Technology Technopark, Federal Business Incubator, Nanotechnology Centre, Technopolis “Himgrad”. Today Technopark “Idea” cooperates with key Russian Development Institutions: JSC “Russian Venture Company”, JSC “Rusnano”, the Skolkovo Foundation, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology (Assistance Foundation). Kama Industrial Park “Master” and Technopark “Idea-South-East” were created in cooperation with large private companies: JSC “KAMAZ” and JSC “Tatneft”. 

Technopark “Idea” actively implements the best practices of technoparks through the assessment tools of performance indicators used by the European Business and Innovation Centres Network (EBN) for Russian technoparks. The “Idea” became a full member of EBN in 2010, and for three years was the only Russian Technopark accredited in EBN. In 2013, Technopark of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok and Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator became full members of EBN with the participation of Technopark “Idea”.     

Technopark “Idea” takes an active part in annual researches conducted by EBN and passes annual certification, proving its effectiveness. This year, Technopark has been accredited in EBN for the fourth time.   

As of year-end 2013, Technopark “Idea” made the list of the Top 15 European Business and Innovation Centres. The following innovation platforms alongside with Tatarstan innovation platform were also included in the Top 15 list: Atlanpole (France), Berytech (Lebanon), Gate Garching (Germany), Technoport (Luxembourg), Barcelona Activa (Spain), BIC Lazio (Italy), Ideon Innovation (Sweden), Hermia (Finland), Instituto Pedro Nunes (Portugal), University East London (UK), WESTBIC (Ireland), Innotek (Belgium), South Moravia BIC (Czech Republic). In addition, the Top 15 included a Business and Innovation Platform of Taiwan.      

Technopark actively cooperates with the younger generation   

If Technopark “Idea” at the beginning of its development way was the platform where ideas were realized, but now - it is also a platform where young innovators are being trained.   

In 2008, Technopark in cooperation with the partner LLC “Innovative Solutions in Education” organized the LEGO Construction and Robotics Centre for students of 5-9 grades.  

The Lego Centre’s students gain engineering knowledge used in the modern world of science, engineering and design. Students design, build and program a fully functional robot models. They learn how to behave as young scientists conducting simple research, assessing and measuring behavior, writing and presenting their own results. They demonstrate their achievements in various robotics festivals.

Senior students are engaged in the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre “Idea”, the first Centre opened in Russia in February 2013. To date, the Republic has 10 YICCs equipped with the necessary modern universal equipment and used for both purposes: educational and technical support of innovative projects (prototyping). Tatarstan centres, since opening, have been admitted by more than 5,000 children who enrolled on a unique program “Public Technical Creativity Workshop”. Schoolchildren and students have the opportunity to implement their ideas using modern universal equipment. The first student’s company has already created within the lessons in the YICC. The students have constructed 3D-printer and are currently engaged in its promotion.  

Upper-grade students and university students do not go unheeded by Technopark. In particular, the “Erudite” Contest has been held for upper-grade students since 2008. It was attended by 2,470 students over the 6 years. In 2013, 265 participants took part in the Contest.    

The Innovative Projects Program “Idea-1000” was organized in Tatarstan in 2006 by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Technopark “Idea” and the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2013, 264 applications were filed for the participation in the Program.     

According to the results of three stages of the Program, the following projects were selected: 24 winner projects in the category “Youth Innovation Projects”, 30 winner projects in the category “START-I” and 9 winner projects in the category “START-II”. Within the framework of the Contest, 10 winner projects were selected by experts of Skolkovo Foundation. They may become residents. In the future, the selected projects will be able to get a mini-grant from the Skolkovo. In 2013 the total funding of the winners amounts to RUB. 107 million. 

 As of from 2006 to 2013 the total number of applications for the Contest “Idea-1000” was 1932. During the same period, 390 projects to the total amount of RUB. 577 million were accepted for the funding by the Expert Council.

Technopark residents’ successes are known far outside Tatarstan

Research and Production Enterprise “GCS” was set up in Technopark in 2006 in the amount of one person - Director Ayrat Sabirov and is currently the largest player in the oil and gas industry engineering. The Company GCS is engaged in the production of automated metering systems for gas and oil-industry workers. The system makes possible to reduce the measurement error from 1.5% to 0.25%.      Today the Company GCS has its own building in the center of the city, more than 200 highly skilled engineers and manufacturing facilities in several cities in Tatarstan.

GCS is a partner of the Russian representative offices of Emerson Process Management, Siemens AG, Yokogawa Electric, Schneider Electric, Honeywell, Rockwell Automation, Rittal, Swagelok, PEPPERL + FUCHS.

GCS clients are major Russian and foreign companies: OJSC “GAZPROM”, OJSC “NOVATEK”, LLC “Severneft” and others.  

Another resident of Technopark – LLC “Eidos”. The Company started its activity in 2010 with the production of auto-simulators, and is currently engaged in the development of auto- and aero-simulators, simulators for emergency service, military equipment and marine navigation and also in mastering another trend – the development and production of medical simulators - an innovative company producing simulators and special equipment.     

Today the Company Eidos is one of the leading Russian companies developing software and hardware in the virtual reality sector. The Company’s specialists are currently working on a robot that can analyze metalworking stamps state and create a laser recovery program independent of direct human control. This automate technology with laser metalworking can cut the stamp recovery time at KAMAZ from two months to several hours, as well as increasing the amount of stamps liable for recovery.

The Company Eidos included in the Top 5 global manufacturers of virtual medical simulators. The Company's products are not only import-substituting, but also are shipped abroad, particularly in Europe and the USA.

 LLC “SmartHead” was set up in the Business Incubator of Technopark “Idea». Today the Company is localized at Technopark’s commercial sites. SmartHead provides services in the premium segment of the Internet-advertising market. The Company's clients are more than 50 Russian and international advertising agencies, such as Red Keds, Leo Burnett, Saatchi&Saatchi, BBDO, HAVAS Worldwide and others. The Company in cooperation with these agencies sells more than 40 digital advertising projects per year. The end-users of the Company’s services are customers of more than 90 multinational brands, e.g., Honda, Unilever, MasterCard, McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Volvo, UniQlo, Yamaha, Panasonic, Audi, Samsung and many others. The uniqueness of the Company is the process and approach pertain to serious corporate development in the field of digital-marketing.   

  LLC “Engineering and Innovation Centre “Technomir” was established in the Business Incubator of Technopark “Idea”. Today the Company is a design and production enterprise that performs engineering works at industrial and technological facilities. More than 60 technological facilities control systems throughout the Russian Federation have been designed and implemented since the creation of the enterprise.  

   LLC “PLC GROUP” is an example of spin-off companies. The Company and its parent company “SPE “GCS” are currently extraterritorial residents of Technopark “Idea”. The main activity of the Company - the solution of process and production automation and control tasks (analytical equipment). The Company cooperates with such companies as NOVATEK, Arcticgaz, Gazprom, and Severneft and others.   

LLC “STP” was founded in the Business Incubator of Technopark “Idea”. The Company is engaged in the development of metrological support for petrochemical companies. It localizes the gas and fluid flow working standard laboratory at the territory of Technopark “Idea”. The Company specializes in flow numerical modeling, as well as the preparation of regulatory documents, including national standards.      

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