31 january 2014

The Foundation, established in 1994, became the first public development institution providing support to small innovative enterprises in science and technology. 

Over the past 20 years, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology considered over 35,000 applications, funded more than 11,000 innovative projects, assisted in the creation of more than 4,500 companies, supported over 500 projects of the companies set up on the basis of educational and research institutions.    

The Foundation has significant experience in the support of small innovative enterprises at various development stages and the creation of innovation infrastructure facilities. It has 64 regional representative offices in the territory of the Russian Federation. Due to this fact, each innovator from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok has a real chance to get a grant for his project development. It should also be noted that 28 innovation and technology centres were created with the support of the Foundation.   

The Foundation makes no pretence to interests in the Charter Capital or a refund from funded enterprises. The budgetary funds invested by the Foundation in projects of small innovative enterprises return to various level budgets due to an increase in tax payments in the next 3-4 years.    

The Foundation is one of the key elements of the modern National Innovation System emerging in the Russian Federation. In 2009, the Foundation acted as a co-founder of RVC Seed Fund, in 2010 – the Skolkovo Foundation, and in 2011 - the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. The objective of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology is the formation of quality projects flow for further support. As of early 2014, about two hundred small enterprises which have successfully completed the Foundation programme, have the opportunity for further development due to the financial support of other development institutions.  

Ivan Bortnik, the first Director General of the Foundation, Chairman of the Supervisory Board: "The State’s assistance and role in the initial stages of innovation are of utmost importance. The company’s success at the seed stage - a factor that significantly reduces the risk of its development, which ultimately contributes to the efficiency of the Russian economy and the competitiveness of domestic companies. The Assistance Foundation through its programs helps small innovative enterprises to implement their innovative projects with commercialization prospects".  

Sergey Polyakov, the Foundation CEO: "The priority of our work is not so much the development of companies, as the creation of environment where small enterprises are emerged and become competitive. According to one of the Company’s Director supported by the Foundation, "it is important that we have been noticed and supported". The Foundation not only allocates money to develop high-tech business, but also gives managers confidence that their business is on the right way".

The Foundation regional representative office in the Republic of Tatarstan is JSC “KNIAT” (http://kniat.rf/ ). Contact person - Peter Baskevich, JSC “KNIAT” Director of Innovation, tel. 8-843-5105150, e-mail:   

 Adapted from the Foundation 

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