21 january 2014

Technopark “Idea” makes the list of the Top 15 European Business and Innovation Centres. The most prominent representatives of сentres were determined by the European Business and Innovation Centres Network (EBN) – an international non-profit association bringing together 152 Business & Innovation Centres: business incubators, innovation and technology centres, technoparks, technopolis and other similar organizations in 14 countries of all over the world.    

As explained by EBN PR Manager Nathalie Marchand, each member of the Network is the best, but the brightest 15 European Business and Innovation Centres became the starting point in the presentation of success stories. “We want to show the public that every successful enterprise, each resident member of the European Network - is not just a new company, but also new jobs, positive changes in the region where the company operates”, - says Nathalie Marchand.

According to Technopark “Idea” CEO Sergey Yushko, the result has been achieved due to the support of partners and the Government of the Republic, the Technopark specialists’ teamwork, and most importantly - new and actual ideas of residents able to work around the clock to achieve their goals. 

“The success of the Company "GKS" producing automated hydrocarbons metering systems for gas and oil-industry workers, developments of the Company “Eidos” manufacturing KAMAZ training simulators, medical simulators as well as successes of dozens other residents encourage the rising generation. Due to them, Technopark from the place where ideas are implemented, is currently turning into a place where great attention is paid to education of innovators”, - said Sergey Yushko.      

To the point, Technopark “Idea”, the first Russian Technopark, was opened in February, 2004. According to the estimation of domestic and foreign experts the “Idea” became a pioneer in Russia and stimulated the creation of technoparks and business incubators in other regions of the country.  

As of January 2014, 108 companies with the total staff of about 1,900 people are localized at Technopark’s site. The average salary is about RUB 30,000 which is 12% higher than the average republican level. 

Over the ten (10) years of Technopark’s activity, the resident companies created about 7,000 jobs in its territory with localization of more than 450 resident companies. In 2010, Technopark fully reimbursed the Republic for the invested funds. The Republic with the participation of Technopark “Idea” implemented such federal projects as High Technology Technopark, Federal Business Incubator, Nanotechnology Centre, Technopolis “Himgrad”.  

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