20 december 2013

The results of the Innovative Projects Program “Idea-1000” were summarized in Kazan. The Program was organized in Tatarstan in 2006 by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology, Technopark “Idea” and the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan.    

This year, 264 applications have been filed for the Program “Idea-1000”. According to the results of three stages of the Program, the following have been selected: 24 winner projects in the category “Youth Innovation Projects”, 30 winner projects in the category “START-I” and 9 winner projects in the category “START-II”. Within the framework of the Contest 10 winner projects were selected by experts of Skolkovo Fund. They may become residents. In the future, the selected projects will be able to get a mini-grant from the Skolkovo.        

In 2013 the total funding of the winners amounts to RUB. 107 million.  

As of from 2006 to 2013 the total number of applications for the Contest “Idea-1000” was 1932. During the same period, 390 projects to the total amount of RUB. 577 million were accepted for the funding by the Expert Council.

The competitive selection involves innovative projects presented in due order to the Republican Contest “50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”.

To the point, the Program “Idea-1000” includes the following three categories:

  • “Youth Innovation Project” – up to 40 applications for the applied research are annually selected according to the competitive selection results. The category winners get the matched financing in the amount equal to RUB. 220 thousand from the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and up to RUB. 220 thousand from the Foundation for Assistance.  
  • “START – I”- up to 30 applications for the research and development are annually selected. The category winners get the matched financing in the amount equal to RUB. 1 million from the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and up RUB. 1 million from the Foundation for Assistance.  
  • “START – II”- the number of selected applications for the matched financing is not defined under the Program, but established according to the results of the competitive selection and financial resources allocated to the Program. Applications selected in the category “START-II” get the matched financing in the amount equal to RUB. 2 million from the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and up RUB. 2 million from the Foundation for Assistance. The category “START-II” is a launching of the project commercialization stage. The “START-II” category winners have already put up to sale following the results of “START-I” implementation, as evidence of their initial commercial success.  
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