10 december 2013

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told representatives of Krasnoyarsk Territory about Russia's first technopark creation specifics, the work aspects with residents and Technopark’s consulting services.  

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Leasing Company “Delta” Vasily German, Deputy Director of LLC “FanNano” Mr. Prikhodko and others were members of Krasnoyarsk delegation.      

Sergey Yushko familiarized the guests with the main activity areas of Technopark, the performance results for the first three quarters of the year and shared the resident companies’ success stories.

The guests expressed a particular interest in the creation of new infrastructure. Sergey Yushko explained that Technopark “Idea” won the major federal contests which resulted in the creation of Business Incubator “Sviyaga”, IT-Park, Technopolis “Himgrad” and Nanotechnology Centre, and the development of Kama Industrial Park “Master” and Technopark “Idea-Yugo-Vostok”.    

In addition, the participants discussed the prospects for further cooperation.

To the point, the Krasnoyarsk Territory delegation headed by Minister of Investment and Innovation Olga Rukhullaeva made a working visit to Kazan on December 9-10. During the business trip, the delegation visited the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, exchanged experiences in the Universiade due to its conduction in Krasnoyarsk in 2019 and got acquainted with projects of Technopolis “Himgrad” residents.

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