27 november 2013

Tatarstan Export Support Centre invites entrepreneurs to take part in Business English Master Class (export orientation) – “Business English”, which will be held in Kazan on December 13, 2013.  

Representative of JSC "Tatarstan Export Corporation” Dr. Kevin M. Forbes is invited as an expert of the event.

The Master Class is aimed at improving knowledge and skills in business communication in English, the company presentation and other skills needed to establish cooperation with foreign partners. The participants will have a unique opportunity to interact with native English speaker (external expert - a U.S. citizen).

The Master Class is designed for managers and experts of International Business, Sales and Marketing Departments, Export Enterprises with Intermediate level of English proficiency.   

Tatarstan SMEs participate in the Master Class on a free basis.     

Number of participants is limited 25 members can attend the Master Class only.

For participation please fill in and send a registration form of the participant (in Excel format) to the e-mail: by December 2, 2013 (or until the free space is available).

Preliminary venue of the Master Class – a Conference Hall of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan (4th floor, 55 Moskovskaya Str., Kazan). Subject to change in the venue, the Export Support Centre will inform on the participants.

Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. on December 13, 2013. The Master Class period: from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.

Following up the Master Class, all the participants will receive a registered certificate.

You are kindly invited to a forthcoming event!

For any issues please contact the Export Support Centre by phone: (843) 227-42-33, address: 50, Peterburgskaya Str. (contact person: Olga V. Grezneva).

The Master Class program you may download here

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