26 november 2013

Today Technopark “Idea” has taken part in the research of Russian technoparks and business-incubators. The research is carried out by EY (Ernst & Young) and consists of two stages. First - absentia, where Technopark’s residents and management took part in the online interview mode.  

The second research stage - in-depth interview with representatives of business-incubators and technoparks identified by the results of online interview - is conducted from November 21 to December 2.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko familiarized the experts with the Technopark’s performance results. Also, EY experts during their visit met with Technopark’s residents. In particular, representative of LLC “MC “STP” told about his activities and the work aspects in the “Idea”. And Head of the Project “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network in the Republic of Tatarstan” Nicholay Nasonov told about work with children and attraction of current generation interest in technical creativity.

EY experts noted that two stages data will be analyzed by experts in cooperation with Russian Venture Company.  

The research results will be submitted to RVC or published in open sources.

EY is a global leader in audit, tax, transaction advisory, consulting on business issues. The Company involves 175,000 employees united by their shared values, as well as their commitment to quality of services rendered. In 2013, EY for the second time was recognized as the best international consulting company operating in Russia at the Ceremony of V Russian Congress on Private Equity. 

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