6 november 2013

On November 12, 2013, the Fund of the Regional Innovation Projects “AIRR” in collaboration with RVC Seed Fund and High Technology Technopark “IT-Park” will organize a free training workshop for start-up projects team on “Intellectual Property risk management in the start-up innovation projects”.     

The workshop will be attended by external experts from Moscow and the best legal practitioners of the Republic of Tatarstan who will consider and disclose the following issues:   

  1. Legal and organizational fundamentals of Intellectual Property risk management in the start-up innovation projects.
  2. Identification of protectable results of Intellectual activity.
  3. Intellectual Property legal protection. Copyright. Patent law. Secret manufacturing license (know-how). Brand license (trademarks, trade symbols, trade names, domain names). Selection of effective (adequate) forms of Intellectual Property legal protection.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights transfer. License agreement. Rights alienation agreement.
  5. Administrative and legal, civil law and criminal law protection of Intellectual Property Rights.
  6. Innovation project costs. Impact factors. Estimation method.
  • Intellectual Property and Intellectual Capital. 
  • External and internal factors impact.
  • Project risks and its impact on the cost.
  • Project life cycle. Dependence of project economic characteristics on a life-cycle stage.      
  • Innovation projects pricing approaches and methods.
  1. Consequence of errors in Intellectual Property protection. Examples of specific cases.

During the workshop, experts-practitioners will analyze case studies of real organizations indicating all the errors and shortcomings in the Intellectual Property Protection and answer any questions from the participants and guests. 

The workshop program you may download here.

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