16 october 2013

Yesterday the results of the “Top-35. The Most Famous People of Kazan” award organized by the magazine “KZN. Sobaka.ru” were summed up. The awarding ceremony took place on the evening at the Kazan City Hall.

The ceremony hosts were Alexander Gerasimov and poetess Vera Polozkova. Intellectual games, fourchette and make-up artist services were organized for the honored guests and were followed by the official celebration.    

The event began with poems recited by Vera Polozkova, after which the names of the winners were announced.  

Gulsina Tokareva and Viktor Tokarev won in the Architecture and Design nomination “For fighting stereotypes and good taste”. Early in the 90es, the Tokarevs set up an architectural workshop, in ten years a construction company, and have since then built using own designs. Their portfolio includes the Piramida Cultural & Entertainment Centre, Sberbank head office building and “Panorama” and “Vishneviy sad” residential complexes.  

Kazan entrepreneur Rustam Khasanov won in the Breakthrough of the Year nomination “For help on a national scale”, leaving behind singer Dina Garipova and choreographer Alina Barilova. R. Khasanov was the first to open a web-based charity shop Osobennyedeti.RF, aimed to gratuitously supply of special equipment to children with grave diseases. The principal differences between this web-based charity shop from other charitable Internet projects are targeted aid and strict financial and economic discipline. “All of our projects - the result of the corporate creativity work, - said R. Khasanov receiving the award. – 400 people are involved in the project”.  

Culture to the Masses nomination was won by Tatarstan State Symphony Orchestra’s chief conductor, Alexander Sladkovsky, “for cultural PR”

Creative Association “Kuritsa-Pomada” represented by Maria Zvereva and Rasim Latypov was the best in the Startup nomination. The “Kuritsa-Pomada” became the production centre for all gifted and creative individuals, with particular attention to the development of the designer clothing market in the Volga region.  

Marat Idrisov was the best in the Science nomination “For an attempt to rid the country of the eternal problems”. Inventor of the ultra-stable water-bitumen emulsions technology for cold cast asphalt was keen on chemistry in high school. In college he was engaged in the development of special heavy-duty road surfaces that would not be destroyed by water, snow and frost. Road-transport organizations have already expressed their interest in the Marat’s technology and now he is just waiting for his ideas implementation.  

Mitya Burmistrov won the Music nomination, leaving behind such artists as Zulya Kamalova, Mubai, Andrey Rudenko and Michael Kazakov. He was noted “For a progressive transformation of beatbox."     
Masta Mike - Mitya Burmistrov stage name under which he began to upload videos to YouTube in 2009. Burmistrov was the first Russian musician, scored 40 million views and 200 thousand subscribers from all over the world. Among the standard gifts, sponsors gave him an opportunity to make a video clip. 

Solo performers of Tatar State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Musa Jalil (TSAOBT) Christina Andreeva and Oleg Ivenko won the Art nomination. They were noted “For bravery and competitiveness”. Since the artists were busy at rehearsals, the award was given to Ballet Artistic Director of TSAOBT Vladimir Yakovlev, who admitted that he had never heard of such a journal as “Sobaka.ru” and expressed gratitude for the award.  

Ayrat Sabirov was marked in the Business nomination “For putting “Gazprom” on the counter”. The Company, setting up in the technopark in the amount of one person - Director Ayrat Sabirov, is currently the largest player in the oil and gas industry engineering.

Today the Company GCS has its own building in the center of the city, more than 200 highly skilled engineers and manufacturing facilities in several cities in Tatarstan.

GCS is a partner of the Russian representative offices of Emerson Process Management, Siemens AG, Yokogawa Electric, Schneider Electric, Honeywell, Rockwell   Automation, Rittal, Swagelok, PEPPERL + FUCHS .

GCS clients are major Russian and foreign companies: OJSC “GAZPROM”, OJSC “NOVATEK”, LLC “Severneft” and others.  

All winners were given gifts from the sponsors, as well as a dog-shaped statuette.   


Adapted from IA “Tatar-Inform” 

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