7 october 2013

The First Russian-American Scientific Workshop “Design of Advanced Functional Materials: Education, Research & Innovations in Engineering” has been opened today in Kazan. 

The opening ceremony was attended by Rector of Kazan State Technological University - KNRTU German Dyakonov, Workshop Principle in the United States of America Anatoly Korkin, a former Head of Physics Department of Arizona State University, specializing in electronics nanomaterials Robert J. Nemanich, CEO of the Regional Innovation Projects Fund of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) Dinar Nasyrov and other officials and representatives of the academic community.   

Anatoly Korkin in his welcome speech reported that the workshop would be attended by 16 foreign professors and 3-4 Russian lecturers. Such scientists as Associate Vice-President of Arizona State University William Petuskey, Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department Dominic Gervasio, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Department Don Seo will take part in the Workshop.   

More than 200 participants from Romania, Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Altai region, Nizhniy Novgorod Region and Tatarstan will attend lectures.

During 8 working sessions the scientists and participants will discuss educational, technological and scientific aspects in the nanomaterials development, the aspects of its properties, nanomaterials technological aspects and areas of its applicability, and study the aspects of nano-enabled catalysts for low temperature fuel cells.

The lectures will also include the topics of present interest. According to Anatoly Korkin, Resource Efficient and Energy Efficient Technologies and Alternative Energy are among such topics.    

The Workshop activity, organized by Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU - KSTU) in cooperation with Arizona State University and Innovational production Technopark “Idea”, will continue through October 11th, 2013. 

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