3 october 2013

Academician P.A. Kirpichnikov Boarding Lyceum for gifted children with an advanced chemistry course has been today opened in the Orekhovka settlement in Zelenodolsk region.    

The opening ceremony of the lyceum was attended by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, RT Deputy Prime Minister - RT Minister of Education and Science Engel Fattakhov, Head of Zelenodolsk region Alexander Tygin, Rector of Kazan State Technological University - KNRTU German Dyakonov.   

Tatarstan President noted the lyceum was opened the day before the Teacher’s Day. “The experience we implemented in Aktanysh and Kazan (IT-Lyceum, Academic College – Tatar-Inform’s note) shows goods results”, - the head noted. “Our science, higher schools will not have any prospects without this kind of lyceums. You are our support and the hope of not just Tatarstan but of the whole country. I am sure a lot of eminent scientists, experts and managers of chemistry industry will be raised here, and we need to provide all conditions.”

The President presented Peugeot minibus to the lyceum. The lyceum opening was marked with the builders’ transfer of a symbolic key to the lyceum Principal Liliya Ibrasheva.  

Later on the guests visited the lyceum, in particular, chemistry classrooms, living rooms, gym and swimming pool.

To the point, the building’s total area is over 8.5 thousand square metres. The lyceum admits children from the 7th grade. Each of them will be offered an individual education plan that makes possible to select in addition to the chemistry, the other specialized subjects (mathematics, physics, biology). The education plan includes additional 10-hours of extracurricular activities allowing to organize design and R&D activities. 

The Boarding lyceum is provided with modern classrooms with multimedia equipment, 3D-laboratories for chemical processes simulation, auditoriums, sports and fitness halls, Internet access based library, digital typography and educational TV studio, swimming pool and dining room with 140 seats. The children will be accommodated in the double rooms, with five balanced meals daily, and provided with personal notebooks.

The lyceum is created with the support of Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov. Such members as RT Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Industry and Trade Ravil Zaripov, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, General Director of JSC “Tatneftehiminvest-holding” Rafinat Yarullin, Chairman of the JSC “AKB “Spurt” Evgeniya Dautova and others are included in the lyceum’s Board of Trustees.

To the point, the chemical lyceum is not the first project implemented by KNRTU - Kazan State Technological University. Summer specialized school “Orbital” is organized in Kazan on the yearly base. This year the camp has been organized with the assistance of Technopark “Idea”. The School Programme includes lectures, optional courses, extensive sports and entertainment programs. 

Over the past 42 years of the School activity, 9975 students from all regions of the country combined their active vacations with the deepening of knowledge in natural sciences. All-Union Forum of Young Chemists of the Country (1977) and three International Schools with the participation of students from Germany, Bulgaria and Poland were organized on the basis of “Orbital”. 

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Oleg Sinyashin, Corresponding Member of the RAS Vladimir Mironov, over 25 professors at Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU), Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU), Kazan State Medical University (KSMU), A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry (IOPC) were engaged in the specialized school and are currently working in Kazan. Such eminent scientists of the country as academics B.A. Arbuzov, A.V. Novoselova, I.A. Petryanov-Sokolov, M.I. Kabachnik, I.A. Tarchevsky, A.I. Konovalov, P.A. Kirpichnikov, I.S. Antipin delivered their lectures to the students. 

Technopark “Idea” Press Office adapted from IA “Tatar-inform” and RIA Novosti  

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