28 september 2013

On September 27 Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov presented projects of Tatarstan engineering centers to Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev at Tatarstan exposition within the International Investment Forum “Sochi-2013”.

Eidos Company, a resident of Technopark “Idea”, presented medical simulators. According to Tatarstan President, the centre’s products are much cheaper than their foreign analogues and delivered not only to Russia but also abroad, even to the USA. Rustam Minnikhanov also noted importance of the simulators for training surgeons to perform operations and Dmitry Medvedev agreed with Tatarstan President. “It is very important not to train on human beings”, - said the RF Prime Minister.

Also, Dmitry Medvedev was presented the Engineering Centre “KAI-Laser” which is being established at Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev in cooperation with IPG Photonics, the world leader in production of fiber lasers. Speaking about the project, Rustam Minnikhanov demonstrated to Dmitry Medvedev samples of laser machined metal products and exhibited laser metalworking machine.

The Oil and Petrochemical Centre is one more engineering center, being established in Tatarstan. Telling about the project, Rustam Minnikhanov said that all technologies in this sphere are to be purchased abroad. In the meanwhile, Tatarstan has scientific and production facilities for developing and implementing own technologies. 

“We are going to further develop these projects and hope for federal support,” Tatarstan President addressed to the Head of the Russian Government in the completion of a brief tour.  

Adapted from RT President’s Press Office  

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