19 september 2013

Prospects for the development of Youth Innovation Creativity Centres in Tatarstan have been today discussed at Technopark “Idea”. The meeting was held under the leadership of Technopark CEO Sergey Yushko. The discussion was also attended by Head of the Project “Creation of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network (YICC) in the Republic of Tatarstan” Nicholay Nasonov, Director of Naberezhnye Chelny YICC Pavel Aleksejevsky, Head of Sabinsky YICC “Skazochniy” (“Fairy”) Rifkat Fakhrutdinov and other officials.     
Tatarstan has become one of the 13 winner regions of the Contest for the efficient use of Open Youth Innovation Prototyping Centres Network, organized by the RF Ministry of Economic Development. The total number of YICCs in Russia is over 30. Ten Centres are operated in the Republic, three centres of which are located in Kazan, by one in Zelenodolsk, Chistopol, Leninogorsk, Bugulma, Naberezhnye Chelny, in Drozhannoe and Bogatye Saby rural areas. All centres are equipped with the required modern universal equipment and can be used for both: educational and commercial purposes.  

Sergey Yushko in his welcome speech pointed out the YICC’s objectives. “It is important not only to attract children and young people, but it is also necessary that their developments be in demand on the current market’, - he said.     
According to Sergey Yushko, the YICC “Idea” and Sabinsky Centre have good results in this area. The YICC “Idea”’s schoolchildren and students have created a new 3D-printer model and have already found its customers. The Sabinsky region students under the guidance of mentors have created educational blocks. 
In the course of the meeting the participants also discussed issues of further development of the centres, equipping it with additional facilities and the Centres’ key performance indicators (KPI) through 2014.    
The meeting was resulted in an agreement on the implementation of a unique program “Public Technical Creativity Workshop” in Tatarstan YICCs Network and the project method execution in the YICCs activity.  As explained by Nicholay Nasonov, the program pilot project “Public Technical Creativity Workshop” was implemented in summer, 2013 in 2 Tatarstan YICCs (Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny). The project results were presented to the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation for Science and Innovation at the round table “The main aspects of the children and youth’s scientific creativity development” and at the International Innovation Forum Interra.     
The main areas of youth technical creativity in Tatarstan YICC in the project “Public Technical Creativity Workshop” are as follows:    

  • Developments in the training process improvement – design and manufacturing of training aid and equipment;
  • ​​technical sports (model making) area - design and manufacturing of sports models, sports and tourist vehicles;
  • material production - design and manufacturing of accessorizes, tools, modernization of manufacturing techniques, devices and machines. The study, design, modeling and engineering of various types of energy converters. The study of composite materials and nanotechnology. The study, design, modeling, industrial design and decorative arts (samples of various products packaging, trademarks, logos, brochures, labels, color design of different products samples). The study, design, modeling and engineering of unique engineering structures of various applications.  

After the meeting, the centres’ heads visited the YICC “Idea” and got acquainted with the Centre’s activity and the students’ developments.

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