16 september 2013

The Sabinsky region schoolchildren - students of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre invented a new gadget. The invention would make possible to study school subjects in the form of funny entertainment.       

This summer the schoolchildren having a rest in the “Youth Educational Industrial Camp - School Technopark” have found a way to ease the process of cramming all subjects through the blocks. Young scientists under the leadership of Rifkat Fakhrutdinov cut two identical blocks on a special device, one of which contained the names of authors, and the other - pieces of these authors’ literary compositions. In case of correct matching of a pair: the author and his literary composition, and putting these two blocks next to each other, then the block would “read” a poem written on the face.    

The blocks application area is boundless: one block may contain words in a foreign language, the other - a translation, and a proper matching of blocks makes possible to hear a correct pronunciation.    

For younger children the blocks may contain pictures instead of words.

As the young scientists’ mentor Alexander Nickonov stated to the Metro, electronic and external “filling” of blocks can be programmed independently. The block will be added with sets for studying various disciplines. For example, in order to study a foreign language the block will be added with a set of cards containing  Russian and foreign words, which are to be inserted in the block, and voice recording with the pronunciation, which can be independently uploaded to a new gadget. As you study the words, the blocks’ faces can be changed, increasing the vocabulary base.  

Blocks run on battery power and they can be charged the same way as cell phones.

In addition, such blocks allow not only learn new subjects but also to check the current knowledge – the block calculates the number of correct pairs matched by the child and outputs the result.

There are currently 8 ​​gift sets of blocks. In the future, developers plan to enter the open market and sell blocks of 3000 rubles per pair.

 Adapted from the METRO 

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