12 september 2013

Technopolis "Himgrad" will take part in the International Contest FIABCI Prix d'Excellence – the most prestigious property event to be held in May, 2014.  

The Russian Contest FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Awarding Ceremony took place in Moscow a few days ago, on September, 10. Technopolis "Himgrad" took the first place in the category "Industrial Property", getting ahead of such competitors as industrial parks “Yuzhnie Vrata”, “PNK-Vnukovo”, “Orel”.     

"Himgrad" having won the federal round of the contest, will be further engaged in the preparation to the final international round of FIABCI Prix d'Excellence. Over the 20 years of Prix d'Excellence Award the Golden Award received such projects as Paris Disneyland, the twin towers Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (Spain), Hong Kong Stadium. The final round is traditionally held within the framework of the World FIABCI Congress.

The Contest was attended by over 70 development and investment companies, engineering and architectural offices, design offices and construction companies making projects in the territory of Russia. Another Tatarstan project "Smart City Kazan" was also successfully presented at the Contest. It took the first place in the category "Master plan". 

This year the Contest has been held in 11 categories: commercial property, office property, industrial property, hotel property, residential property (low-rise and high-rise), the master plan, the recreation sector, public sector, heritage and sustainable development -energy efficiency. Wrap-up and awards ceremony was held within the International Investment Property Forum “PROEstate”.

“FIABCI Prix d'Excellence Contest provides Russian winners-companies with the opportunity to present their projects at the international level”, - said NAI Becar President, Vice-president of the Managers and Developers Guild, President of FIABCI-Russia Alexander Sharapov.    

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