22 august 2013

Innovative Projects Program “Idea-1000”, organized in 2006 by Technopark “Idea”, the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Foundation of Assistance for Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), has been launched in the Republic for the eighth time. 

The program can involve contestants of “50 Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan”, who presented their innovative projects, having high potential in the intellectual property creation, protection and commercialization, and the market potential. The participants have the opportunity to check their own resources in the category “Youth Innovation Project”, “START – I” and “START – II” (only for the winners of the previous year “START-I”).  

The “Youth Innovation Project” Category will select up to 40 projects for the scientific research. Research and technology innovation, the applicant's age (under 28 years) and the ability to commercialize the project results within 5-6 years will be considered at the competitive selection. Organizers will award each winner with a grant of RUB 440 000 for the implementation of their projects.          

The “START – I” Category will select up to 30 projects for the research and development. Each winner will receive RUB 2 Million for the project implementation.   

In addition, the “START – I” Category will include an additional nomination “Start in the Nanotechnology” (“Start-NT”) with the selection of 10 best projects.  

The “START – II” Category will select up to 5 participants, each of which will be able to receive cash in the amount of up to RUB 4 Million. The “START – II” Category will also require the submission of a business plan in addition to the application for participation.  

Applications are admitted until October 15, 2013.

For participation in the Program and preparation of application, you can consult the experts of the Innovative Programs Development Department, Technopark “Idea” by phone: 8 (843) 570-68-50, internal 9324.

For information on the Contest procedure and terms, the project competitive selection results, please refer to the organizers’ web site: (IVF RT) and (Technopark “Idea”).

The competitive selection results and the winners will be announced until December 30, 2013.

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