19 august 2013

On September 1, 2013 there will be ended applications filing at Russian Youth Award in the sphere of Nanoindustry – annual award for the best nanotechnological developments, implemented in real production with annual output not less than RUB 3 Million.   

Established in 2009 by JSC “RUSNANO” and the Fund of Infrastructural and Educational programs, the Award is called to contribute interest increase of developers and entrepreneurs for using new nanotechnological projects in the production, public acceptance of entrepreneurs` work in the nanotechnology industrial application, and popularization of social significance of production projects use in the sphere of nanotechnologies. The Award gives young developers an opportunity to declare themselves, attract the attention of potential investors and representatives of Russian Development Institutions to their developments, and know the opinion of market experts.

In 2013, Russian Youth Nanoindustry Award will be supported by the leading National Innovation Companies:

  • All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Nanotechnology Society”;
  • Association of Innovative Regions of Russia;
  • Moscow Innovation Development Centre;
  • Russian Venture Capital Assosiation;
  • All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises “OPORA RUSSIA”;
  • Foundation of Assistance for Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE).

In particular, the above-mentioned organizations recommend young innovators to participate in the competition, as well as take part in the selection of experts to the Preselection Committee.

The Awarding is held in several stages. After applications from young developers, innovators and businessmen aged before 35 have been filed, whose nanotechnological development has been implemented in real production and showed first commercial results, the Preselection Committee during September 1-15, 2013 will choose five projects, which mostly correspond to aims and demands of the Award. Authors of these projects will receive invitation on award ceremony, in course of which there will be announced prize winner of the Russian Youth Award in the sphere of Nanoindustry 2013. The winner will get money prize in amount of RUB 300 Thousand, honorary diploma and gratuity sign.

In 2013 the Award will be presented for the fifth time. Last year the Laureate became Deputy General Director of LLC “Akela-N” Sergey Potapov – a representative of experts group, who developed and implemented xenon narcosis console XNC-01 (КНП-01) and therapeutic xenon circuit XTC-01 (КТК-01). These devices allow to dramatically expand the use of xenon in medical practice - a promising therapeutic and narcosis agent, which until now has been difficult to access because of the extremely low levels of xenon in the atmosphere and the inability of its chemical synthesis. The development of Sergey Potapov can not only clean the xenon, but also adapt any anesthetic machine model to work with xenon and reuse up to 80% of gas. All this greatly reduces the cost of low-flow xenon anesthesia and gives opportunities for its mass use.  

Applications for the prize are admitted until September 1, 2013. To participate in the competition you should fill in a nomination form and send a set of application documents to the address:

Filing materials and additional materials are possible to be found at the Award site:

 Adapted from the event organizers

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