2 august 2013

Today Technopolis “Himgrad”, one of the youngest industrial parks in the Republic, has celebrated its 7th anniversary of the foundation.  

Himgrad started its activity on August 2, 2006. The activity on the project implementation was carried out in several directions: from the concept development and application for the participation in the federal program “Creation of high-technology parks in the Russian Federation” to localization of the first residents and the preference system development.

Today Himgrad is one of the largest republican platforms for localization of high-tech chemical and polymer processing industries. During this period, the Technopolis residents have developed hundreds of products, have received more than 60 patents and trademarks and have created more than 20 original techniques. Only in 2012, the residents’ output made 11.3 billion rubles, and the republican budget received taxes in the amount of 2.18 billion rubles.

Technopark “Idea” congratulates colleagues with 7th anniversary! And wishes new developments, good results and every success to the Company and its residents!

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