10 july 2013

Tomorrow, the Company “SmartHead’, a resident of Technopark “Idea”, will offer 10 advices to help first-time entrepreneurs to build good and fair relations with customers at 18:00 p.m. in Kazan IT-Park (Press Centre). The meeting will be held in the format of traditional start-up chat-in.      
SmartHead — a company producing projects for Russian and foreign creative, advertising and digital agencies. The Company’s strong point is the development and support of any complexity Internet-projects, the development of mobile and "desktop" applications, the implementation of interactive installations. It has made interest with such agencies as Red Keds, Leo Burnett, Saatchi&Saatchi, Publicis Israel, IQ Marketing and implements projects for brands: Coca-Cola, Volvo, Audi, Nissan, Honda, Chrysler, Ford, Mars, Hochland, Heineken, MasterCard, Sony-Ericsson and many others.  
“I will not talk about how to increase sales significantly. I will not talk about how to find the client and get his signature on the contract. I even will not talk about how to deal with the client in order not to lose him. But I will offer exactly 10 advices, which, in my opinion, will help to build good and fair relations with your customers. Just do not forget to put them into practice”, - comments a speaker of the forthcoming chat-in in IT-Park – Director of “SmartHead” Production Company Development - Maxim Busarev.      


Adapted from IT-Park press service 

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