18 june 2013

Applications for the degree of Russian Youth Prize in Nanotechnology is considered to be open. The Prize is awarded for the development and implementation of a new nanotechnology solution, the production volume of which totals at least RUB 3 million per year.

Any Russian Federation citizen under the age of 35 who is not a member of the Award Directorate can win the Prize. In addition to self-nomination, the developers can be nominated for the prize by third parties. In 2013, the Prize fund will be RUB 300 000.    

To participate in the competition you should fill in a nomination form and send a set of application documents to the address: Applications for the prize are admitted until August 31, 2013.

Detailed information on the requirements to the application

The Prize Winner will be announced at a ceremony to take place within the Moscow International Innovation Development Forum “Open innovation” from October 31 to November 01, 2013.   

The Prize winner in 2012 was the Deputy General Director of Akela-N Company Sergey Potapov. He was awarded for participation in the development and implementation of xenon narcosis console XNC-01 (КНП-01) and therapeutic xenon circuit XTC-01 (КТК-01). The device makes possible to simplify a number of medical procedures and significantly improve their safety. 

Russian Youth Prize in Nanotechnology has been awarded since 2009 and gave young developers an opportunity to declare themselves, attract the attention of potential investors and representatives of Russian Development Institutions.

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