Tatarstan innovation has been presented to the Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions Pascal Goergen

7 june 2013

The Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions Pascal Goergen visited Technopark “Idea”. During the visit, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told the guest about the specifics of a Business Incubator, the activity areas of the Technopark residents, as well as answered questions on the activity of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia.   

The Assembly of European Regions (AER) is the largest independent network of regional authorities in wider Europe, bringing together over 250 regions from 35 countries along with 16 interregional organisations. Established in 1985, AER is a forum for interregional co-operation and a lobbyist for regional interests on the European stage: AER was a key player in the creation of the advisory bodies to the Council of Europe (Congress of Local and Regional Authorities) and the European Commission (Committee of the Region.


AER wants to establish the principle of subsidiary as the guiding principle underpinning policy making in Europe; to promote regional interest vis-à-vis European and national policy-makers; to embody and reflect the regional dimension in Europe and make it more visible on the European continent; and to ensure that regions remain a driving force for political, economical and social development with a view of accomplishing a multi-layer Europe.


Arrangement of Pascal Goergen visit to Technopark was reached in Londonderry (Northern Ireland) during the XXIII Annual EBN Congress, where Technopark “Idea” was involved.    

During the today’s meeting Pascal Goergen and Sergey Yushko have discussed the specific aspects of technoparks accredited by the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN — European BIC Network). The guest held an interest in the “Idea”s extension of the best practices of technoparks through the assessment tools of performance indicators used by EBN for Russian technoparks. In particular, Sergey Yushko told about Krasnoyarsk Regional Innovation and Technology Business Incubator (KRITBI), which was also accredited by EBN and became a full member of the European Business & Innovation Centre Network.         

Pascal Goergen was also got acquainted with the activity of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) in details, its interaction specifics with EBN. According to the guest, joint activity has a positive effect on Russian companies, since it makes possible to adopt successful practices of innovative infrastructure and objectively evaluate the residents’ activity. Due to the interaction between the AIRR and EBN, foreign (in relation to Russia) technology companies and investors become closer to the Russian technology companies through a commonly understood language.     

Within the framework of its visit to the political and academic authorities of Tatarstan (Kazan), Pascal Goergen presented the new AER strategy for 2013-2020  as well the AER policy regarding companies. Moreover, Mr. Goergen explained the concept of the AER Business Community that will be launch very soon. This Community will allow the private partners to get directly in touch with more than 250 regions, from 35 countries.

Finally, he emphasized the reasonability of the preparation and implementation of joint EBN and AIRR programs for small innovative companies support and assured of his assistance. 

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