Technopark “Idea” Represents Russia at the XXIII Annual EBN Congress

29 may 2013

The XXIII Annual Congress of the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN) has been opened today in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Russia is represented by CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko. Today at the Congress he has announced the performance results of Technopark – a member of EBN for 2012 and outlined the main trends in business incubation and development of small innovative companies in Tatarstan.

The European Business & Innovation Centre Network - an international non-profit making association, bringing together over 200 business & innovation centres: business incubators, innovation and technology centres, technoparks, technopolis and other similar organizations. The EBN was set up in 1984 as a joint initiative of the European Commission with a view to promote the creation and development of new innovative companies and increase the economic potential of European regions. The main tool for achieving this goal is the creation and development of the Business and Innovation Centres (BICs).   

The Congress is to be held for three days. The main plenary session is scheduled for tomorrow, where the Network management will report on the EBN activity results. Within two days the Congress participants will also have the opportunity to visit a number of events and sections. In particular, they will be presented the digital, cultural and social innovation sections, where the participants will discuss such issues as the development of content to increase business opportunities, the use of digital technologies for the development of traditional enterprises and business plans and more. 

For reference:

The Technopark “Idea” activity is based on the performance indicators of the Business and Innovation Centres of the European Community since 2008. A two-stage audit included not only the values ​​of these indicators, but also the ways of its achievement, the programs and activities held by Technopark to improve innovation in the Republic of Tatarstan.

On April 15, 2010, the EC-BIC Quality Mark Committee, Brussels, made a decision to join the Technopark "Idea" as a full member and further implementation of its activities under the label EC-BIC (European Community Business and Innovation Centre).   

The Technopark “Idea” accession to the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN) and giving it the EC-BIC Quality Mark indicates that all requirements relating to the BIC are followed by Technopark in full and it corresponds to the European standards.  

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