CEO of Technopark “Idea” told how he made a good use of advanced mathematics

20 may 2013

Last week Sergey Yushko met with students of Kazan Lyceum No.116 within the campaign “School of Success” organized by the newspaper “ProGorod”. During the meeting, he not only shared his success story but also answered the students' questions. 

 »What kind of education is the best?

– I advise you to enter the technological universities. These institutions are focused on the real industry. Today engineers implementing their ideas are of high necessity. And any knowledge you have received make an important background. For example, I graduated from Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, studied advanced mathematics. Now the knowledge helps me to manage the projects.  

 »Is it compulsorily to learn languages?

– English is not an achievement any more. It is better to know three foreign languages. By the way, the head of one of the global company during his visit to Kazan market, said that it would be easier to hire Chinese: they speak English better than us. The Republic of Tatarstan is fast progressing and requires active human resources. You have many opportunities to learn the language. For example, you can file an application and undergo training abroad.     

 » How to succeed in life?

– If you want to be successful, do something better than everyone else. It is very difficult to find the right decision, but you should take something on what is right in your own sight, you ought to correct a mistake at once, then it will be a success. Many successful people took their places not "owing to" but "contrary to". And life becomes more interesting when you achieve victory, overcoming difficulties.   


••• You should take no refusal. Wanted a job? The loser sends resume to the sites and sits down to wait. But you should go to those organizations where you want to work and knock on the doors.   

••• If you want to achieve something, you need to set a goal, not necessarily tomorrow, but you will make it. You need only to wish it.

••• They say that Russian people have no timetable in their minds. This should not relate to you, you ought to study time management. 

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