The V Republican contest “Tatarstan Erudite” has been launched in Tatarstan.

15 april 2013

On April the 14th, 2013, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan joined about 300 students from the Republican towns and districts to participate in the V Republican contest “Tatarstan Erudite”. 

Students, having passed the first qualifying round, met together at Kazan Federal University, with a view to pass the second test. The contestants answered 100 questions in 100 minutes in ten school subjects. The distinctive characteristic of this year’s contest was that the young erudites were also proposed questions on tatar language and tatar literature as well.  

The third final round of the V Republican Contest “Tatarstan Erudite” is scheduled to take place in real-time format on May the 14th, 2013. Scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan will prepare questions and tasks for young erudites.  

To the point, the Contest “Erudite” has been held since 2008 on the yearly base. The Contest has been granted the Republican Contest status since 2009.      

The Contest involves students of general educational institutions, gymnasiums and lyceums of the Republic of Tatarstan in two age groups:

1 group – 7-9 grades;

2 group – 10-11 grades.

The Contest organizers are as follows: Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Innovational and production Technopark “Idea” and Academic Lyceum named by N. I. Lobachevsky.  


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