YICC steps through the country.

10 april 2013

An official opening of 7 YICCs has been held in Tatarstan in the Youth Innovation Creativity Centres Network.                                              

Within the week an official opening of another two Youth Innovation Creativity Centres has been held in Tatarstan.   

Thus, such Center was opened in Zelenodolsk on March the 29th, 2013. Then, a grand opening ceremony of the Youth Innovation Creativity Centre “Vector” (3D-Centre), aimed at training a new generation of engineers, was held on April the 9th, 2013. 

The Centre is focused on the involvement of children and young people in the creative innovative activity. The Centre is fitted with modern universal computer-controlled equipment for the production of details in various sizes and materials, using production technologies earlier available only in expensive mass production. 3D-scanner, laser graver, 3D-printer and milling machines allowing to produce prototypes of any complexity and dimension in the shortest possible time.  

The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of large and small businesses, Municipal Administration of Chistopol and Chistopol district, Municipal Public Institution “Executive Board Education Authority of RT Chistopol Municipal district”, and what’s the main,  the most target audience of the YICC’s – school children.

A seminar on “R&D and innovation in Chistopol. 3D-prototyping technology”, which was attended by both: representatives of Chistopol enterprises, and guests from Kazan, was held in the framework of the event. 

Competitive events, science days and seminars to be scheduled to hold in addition to educational activities in the 3D-Centre.

Source: tpidea.ru, chistopol.tatarstan.ru

Photo: chistopol.tatarstan.ru

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