Skolkovo Innovation Award.

18 december 2012

Objective of the contest – to support innovative projects which could be the starting point for the development of new technological companies in Russia. 

The contest is held in Russia for the second time. This year, the following technological projects on healthcare, education and energy efficiency are admitted in the contest.  

The winners will be provided with non-reciprocal grants for the implementation of their projects:  

  • 1 place - 3 000 000 rubles

  • 2 place - 1 500 000 rubles

  • 3 place - 750 000 rubles

To participate in the contest, please fill in the application form (1 page). The deadline for applications – the 31st of December, 2012.

The contest for the participants is on a gratuitous basis.

For more details please refer to the contest web site:


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