Measurement standards are being constructed in Technopark “Idea”.

15 october 2012

Metrology Center “STP”, a resident of Technopark, has constructed a working standard for measurement of liquid flow (1 category) and a working standard for measurement of gas flow (2 category).  

Today, various technologies and devices are applied for measurement of liquid and gas flows. None of the flow meters measures the flow with the absolute accuracy. The more the measurement error, the more the consumer overpays or underpays to the supplier. Therefore, there is a large variety of regulatory documents that set requirements to the flow accuracy.     

Calibration ascertains errors in the flow meter by comparison of the calibrated flow meter readings with the measurement standard readings. Auxiliary errors are also identified against the effect of the ambient temperature. To this effect, the flow meter’s electronic components are placed in the climate chamber. In actual use, there are many factors that affect the measurement accuracy, and factors which are not registered at the determination of the flow meter errors.        

Unfortunately, the exclusion of external factors is not always possible, it is therefore necessary to research its influence. Precisely for that purpose, the Metrology Center “STP” constructed standards on the territory of Technopark “Idea”.      

The standards make it possible to conduct a variety of experimental researches, including the determination of perturbation effect on the flow meters’ metrological characteristics. The experiments, the results of which after the final treatment allow using end nozzles and membrane to measure the flow with a set accuracy, have been currently conducted. This flow measurement method is mainly used in iron and steel enterprises, with the absence of regulatory documents that set the measurement error using this method. After processing of the experiment results, the Metrology Center “STP” will elaborate relevant regulatory documents.                      

It is expected to research the influence of dropping liquid on the vortex flow meter operation within the next experiment. This research is motivated by the need to measure the flow of Associated Petroleum Gas (APG). It should be noted that according to official data annually about 60 billion/m3 of APG is extracted in Russia.

In addition, the standards, constructed by “STP”, allow calibrating the liquid and gas flow meters.  


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