Honourable applicants for the grant of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan “Algarysh” 2012 in the category “Project Group”!

28 april 2012

A meeting of Subcommittee on the competitive selection of applicants for the grant of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan “Algarysh” will be held on May 2, 2012 from 09.00 to 12.00. Applicants will be selected from experts of the real sector of economy, undergraduates, graduate students and regular lecturers of accredited educational institutions and research scientists involved in development and implementation of innovative high-tech projects (category “Project Group”).       Meeting of the Subcommittee – intramural round of the competition includes the applicant’s assessment of the submitted documents confirming professional and academic achievements, motivation letter and interview. The interview schedule can be found here.

Meeting of the Subcommittee will be available in online broadcast mode. Broadcasting will be athttp://, we recommend using Internet Explorer browser to view the site.

Place of meeting: - CJSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea”, Peterburgskaya Str. 50, Kazan (entrance from the Peterburgskaya Str. to the Business Park “Idea”, gathering place – near the Conference hall on the second floor).

If you have any questions, please contact by phone: 292-99-05, 292-64-86 (Department of international educational programs and projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan).

Source: http://alga.tatarstan.ru
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