Today Tatar Animation Film has been presented at the Russian Festival.

29 february 2012

Today, the XVII Open Russian Animation Film Festival, which will be held from February 29 to March 4, 2012 in Suzdal, has been opened. It is generally admitted that Festival is a unique professional showcase of Russian animation.

This year LLC “Tatarmultfilm” – a resident of Technoparrk “Idea” has presented four works at once: animations “Clean air” and “Life – in every drop”, serial “Neftyasha and her friends”, one-part animation “Ak Bars” and animation “Three daughters” based on tatar folktale.

A meeting of children’s animation studious will be held within the framework of the Festival program. The children’s studio will present educational and excursion animated cartoons. It will include the following programs: “Touching”, “Animatenock”, “The animation alphabet”, “Own animation”. 

In the course of festival, “Tatarmultfilm” will also present a new project of animation with children “Clay animationstories” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Soviet –Russian animation.

The Association “Tatarmultfilm” is a business incubator resident of Technopark “Idea” since its creation in 2009. The main purpose is creation of children’s emotional and cultural area in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Today “Tatarmultfilm” is a unique professional animation studio in the Republic of Tatarstan. The studio plans to have an entrance to the animation production market not only in Tatarstan, but also in Russia and the world.

The project “Tatarmultfilm” will be the first stage in creation of system for production, distribution and showing of tatar animation films.

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