A Youth Innovation Prototyping Center with the support of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia is being created on the basis of Nanotechnology Centre “Idea”.

23 december 2011

On November 12, 2011 the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia in partnership with the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Strategic Initiative Agency on new project promotion”, All-Russian Public Organization “Young Innovative Russia”, the Association of the Economic Cooperation of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation, Non-profit Organization “Small and Medium Enterprise Development Institute”, Non-profit Organization “Russian Union of Innovation and Technology Centres” and the New Eurasia Foundation announced a competition “Best Practice Project for Open  Youth Innovation Prototyping Center including all functionalities of the equipment” on the basis of “MIR” platform.

According to the results of the competition there have been identified teams that capable to deploy a network of prototyping center in their regions and across the Russian Federation territory as well as to specify target audience for implementation of the center’s projects in the regions taking into account each region’s specific focus of innovation activities.  

The main criterion for the Prototyping Centre efficiency is to involve as many young people as possible in scientific and technical creativity, to provide them with the opportunity for checking and commercialization of their innovative ideas.    

The winners (10 projects) and laureates (30 projects) which will have the opportunity to complete training of FabLab ideology as well as the Competition winners – at the existing laboratories of FabLab were announced on December 23, 2011.  

CSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea” is among the winners, and LLC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea-South-East” – among the laureates.

Source: i-regions.com
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