General Director of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko visits Gdansk Science & Technology Park.

7 december 2011

Today Tatarstan delegation headed by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov has visited Gdansk Science&Technology Park in the context of working visit to the Republic of Poland.

Tatarstan delegation was attended by Director of Department for external relations- Aide to RT President on international issues Iskander Muflikhanov, Chief of RT investment Development Agency Linar Yakupov, General Director of CJSC “Innovational production Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko and others.

The Science&Technology Park was presented to Tatarstan delegation. Gdansk Science&Technology Park (GSTP) named after Professor Hilari Koprovski is included into Pomeranian Special Economic Zone (PSEZ) and is a joint enterprise of Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, Pomeranian Voivodeship, Gdansk city and Gdansk Technology University. Construction of the park started in 2006 and it was opened in 2008. Currently works on expanding infrastructure are being implemented.

The idea of interaction between science, business and government institutions was the basis for creating a park. Today it is a complex comprised of offices, research laboratories, production halls and business incubator. Main areas of activity are biotechnology, biomedicine, IT, electronics, energetics and others.

With the completion of the third stage of construction the park area will equal to 40 thousand square meters. As of today the park includes about 40 companies engaged in biotechnology/biomedicine (5 companies), electronics, telecommunication and computer technology (13 companies), finance and audit (8 companies) and other scope of activities (12 companies). The number of employees is more than 150 people. A data center with a capacity of 1 MW is also functioning here.

Rustam Minnikhanov appreciated the fact of having a kinder garden for children of employees of Gdansk Science&Technology Park.

A company engaged in organization of scientific work for the youth was also presented to Head of Tatarstan. In addition, guests were familiarized with a company specialized in components for street lighting. 

Rustam Minnikhanov believes it is important to establish cooperation between Gdansk Science&Technology Park and Innovational production Technopark “Idea”, exchange experience, adopt technologies of development and use of infrastructure of technoparks in order to increase the number of innovative companies.

Source: Photo and material of RT President Press Service
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